
Have you considered leaving a legacy to the Society?

Making a bequest to the Society provides a way to make a significant gift that you may not find possible during your lifetime.

The Society welcomes all bequests as they can greatly support our work to help current and future generations remember, interpret and understand their Queensland family history.

Forms of bequests may include:

  • Gifts of cash;
  • The whole or percentage of an estate;
  • Works of art or literature;
  • Real estate;
  • Stocks and shares; and
  • Copyrights.


The Society recommends that bequest donors seek professional advice in arranging a bequest. Suggested wording for a bequest to the Society may include the following wording:

I/We give the Genealogical Society of Queensland Inc, of  25 Stackpole Street, Wishart 4122, Queensland herein called the Society, the sum of $.................. or the residue/ ........% share of the residue of my estate absolutely or the .................. I/we own to be used or sold by the Society and I/we direct that the proceeds may be used for the use and benefit of the Genealogical Society in the pursuit of its objects, and a receipt signed by a person for the time being authorised by the Society shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.


  1. A donor may wish funds to be directed to a specific area of the Society's activities, such as the funding of a particular project, or the acquisition of certain family history information resources; or
  2. They may wish for their bequest to be used at the Society Management Committee’s absolute discretion; or
  3. They may request that they would like their bequest to be either anonymous or acknowledged in some way.