Interest Groups

GSQ has a number of Interest Groups which have been formed to assist members and exchange information in specialised areas. These groups meet bi-monthly on Sundays. See the Events Calendar for meeting dates.


Membership is open to all financial members of the Society. No extra fees are applied, though a gold coin donation from members attending meetings is appreciated. Donations are used to purchase more books or computer-based resources for the Society.

A Non Member may attend two meetings but then must join GSQ in order to continue to attend the Special Interest Groups.

These groups are as follows:

Colonial and Convict Interest Group

Did your ancestors come to Australia before 1901?

Were they free settlers leaving their home for a new land?
Were they convicts brought to a strange place?
What happened to them and their descendants?


Join a group focused on our early colonial heritage.


The Colonial and Convict Interest Group focuses on the history of settlement from 1788 through the colonial period, before the colonies united to become the nation of Australia in 1901.

We seek to collaboratively explore all aspects of this fascinating period of our history and our colonial heritage. Develop insights into your ancestors' life experiences, including the horrors of transportation. Join, research, learn and share information. Hear the stories of others.


The Colonial and Convict Interest Group meets bi-monthly at the GSQ Resource Centre, at 25 Stackpole Street, Wishart Qld 4122. Meetings are on the second Sunday of even numbered month (February, April, June, August, October and December). See the GSQ Events Calendar for further details.

Meetings are from 10:00 am to midday, with the Resource Centre open until 2:30 pm to allow members to conduct research. Attendees are asked to contribute a gold coain donation.


The Group produces a newsletter, "The Chronicle" three times a year. Any person many subscribe to the Chronicle for an annual subscription of $15.00. Copies are also available for sale at the meetings for $5.00 each.


You can contact the group by:

  • writing to Colonial and Convict Interest Group, Genealogical Society of Queensland, PO Box 1467, Carindate, QLD 4152, or
  • emailing the co-convenors (Bev Murray and Kate Peters) at

English Irish Welsh Interest Group

The aim of the Group is to assist members with their research into their English, Welsh or Irish ancestry through discussion, guest speakers and acquisition of resources.

Meetings are held on the first Sunday of even numbered months of the year, unless otherwise advertised. See the Events Calendar for further details. The Resource Centre opens at 10.00am and closes at 2.30pm. The meeting begins at 12.00 noon with a short discussion. Guest speakers are invited to the meetings from time to time. The meetings are informal as our members prefer to have general discussions in a friendly and open format. This gives us the opportunity to share knowledge and glean information from helpful hints provided by other members. Suggestions regarding workshops and guest speakers are always welcome! The Group has had a wide and interesting range of discussion topics over the past few years.


Contact the group by writing to: English/Irish Interest Group, Genealogical Society of Queensland, PO Box 1467 Carindale, QLD 4152 or Email:

German Interest Group

THE GERMAN GROUP welcomes its participation in the GERMAN-AUSTRALIAN GENEALOGY and HISTORY ALLIANCE (GAGHA) - Nov 2016 and aims to:

  • Share information internationally and interstate.
  • Offer support and assistance to research your German Ancestry.
  • Encourage and exchange information in an informal setting.
  • Provide guest speakers when possible to help guide us through the maze of information available to us.
  • Learn the history of Germany and immigration and why our ancestors chose to leave.
  • Get to know the German people and their cultures.



GSQ Membership is required, but non-members may attend two meetings to see what we have to offer. A gold coin contribution is welcome.  Members may contact the Secretary for advice and assistance, but remember to enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope for all enquiries for those without email.


Since its inception in 1983, the German Research Group has added a collection of maps, guides, reference books and journals, plus family, local, church and school histories to the library. GSQ holds one of the most comprehensive ranges of German material in Queensland.


Meetings are held Bi-Monthy at GSQ Resource Centre, 25 Stackpole St. Wishart, Brisbane, on the last Sunday of odd numbered months. Any changes to meeting dates are advertised in the GSQ e-news and the Groups Newsletter “Die Zeitung” which is published to coincide with meetings and is available by mail, or email for an annual fee of $10.00 or at a meeting for a cost of $2.00 per copy. The Centre opens at 10.00 a.m. and closes at 2.15 pm. At the start of the meeting the current balance in our account and minutes from the previous meeting together with any relevant information is presented. Suggestions, or discussions follow in relation to the group, the rest of the meeting is taken up by endeavoring to help people with their research.   A gold coin donation would be welcome, this is used to purchase resources to benefit areas that members are researching and or is of interest to all present. New comers are always welcome.


  • An annual fee of $10, which includes postage for those without email.
  • Subscription begins with the first issue after payment, irrespective of the date.
  • Renewal letters are sent to all subscribers.
  • Email newsletters: The newsletter the "Die Zeitung" is sent via email to those who have made their annual payment of $10.00
  • A copy can be purchased at the meetings for $2.00
  • Requests for research to be undertaken by the group will require a $30 fee.


Contact the group by emailing or write to: German Research Group, Genealogical Society of Queensland, PO Box 1467, Carindale, QLD 4152

scandinavian Scandinavian Interest Group




The Scandinavian Interest Groups aims to provide assistance to members researching their Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish or Icelandic ancestors.


Meetings are held on the third Sunday of the odd months of the year, unless otherwise advertised. See the Events Calendar for further details. The Resource Centre opens at 12.30pm and closes at 2.30pm. The meetings usually commence at 12.30pm and take the form of discussions or guest speakers about Scandinavian research, migration or customs.


The group is believed to be the only Scandinavian Interest Group operating in Australia.


Correspondence to: PO Box 1467, Carindale, QLD 4152. Further information about the group can be obtained from the convenor,

Scottish Interest Group


The purpose of the Scottish Interest Group is to provide assistance to those researching Scottish ancestors. This is done in three ways: providing resources to assist in research; providing opportunities to talk to other researchers; and organising seminars about subjects connected with Scottish genealogy, culture and history.



The collection of Scottish resources available at the Society is among the strongest in Queensland.


Meetings are generally held on the first Sunday of the odd months of the year, unless otherwise advertised. See the Events Calendar for further details The Resource Centre opens at 10am and closes at 2.30pm. The meeting usually commences at 11am and runs for about one hour, with the remaining time for members to conduct their own research.


The Interest Group publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Thistle Times which is available from the Treasurer, Scottish Interest Group at a cost of $12.00 per annum.


The group is a member of the Scottish Association of Family History Societies.


Contact the group Convenor by Email:

Writing Interest Group



The aim of the group is to provide a forum in which members can learn more about the writing, editing, and publishing processes. Each meeting will include discussions and presentations. Guest speakers will be invited from time to time. Members are invited to submit pieces of writing for comment and suggestions by other members. Stories will be published in forthcoming editions of the Society's journal Generation.



Meetings are generally held on the third Sunday of even months, unless otherwise advertised. See the Events Calendar for further details. The Resource Centre opens at 10am and closes at 2.30pm. The meeting usually commences at 10.30am and runs until 12.30pm. The remaining time can be used for personal research or discussions among members over lunch.


Further information is available from the Convenor, Pauline Williams on

DNA Interest Group



The DNA Group was launched in May 2015 to assist members understand how DNA works and how it can assist you with your research.



Meetings are held every two months on 4th Sunday of Even months from 9.30am to 2.30pm
Meetings are being held via Zoom. Please email to obtain link to join.


Further information is available from the Convenor, Greg Carlill on

Family History Tech Interest Group



To assist GSQ members to increase their knowledge and skills in using technology to assist with their Genealogical research.
The Family Tree Maker and Legacy Groups were amalgamated into one Interest Group.
This is now known as "Family History Technology Interest Group".


The Family History Technology Group will meet on the 2nd Sunday of every odd month, at 10am - 12pm. Meetings are via Zoom.

The new group gives opportunities to look at many other technologies that may help to preserve and publish your family history data.
This group is only open to GSQ members, but non GSQ members may attend twice before they need to join GSQ.

These may include but not limited to:

  • File management and storage
  • E-publishing
  • Using various Genealogical Programs
  • Help with common computer problems
  • Use of some everyday programs like Word/ Excel
  • Setting up a Family History website

    Should you have any questions and need to get the link to join us please email on

Look forward to seeing you there.

Chinese Research Interest Group


GSQ has a new Interest Group for GSQ members and others* who are interested in researching their Chinese ancestors who have come to Australia or in exploring the life stories of Chinese people in Australia.



The first meeting will be on Sunday, 17 March between 10 am and midday. It will be by Zoom.
Please come along and share your research, including your research problem.
To attend, please email me at I will send you the Zoom link on Saturday, 16 March so you can attend the following day.

Throughout the centuries, many Chinese people have migrated to Australia to pursue various undertakings and to lead interesting lives in diverse places around Australia, from cities to regional areas.


  • To provide members with knowledge about family history research of Chinese families in Australia
  • To share findings, ideas and techniques on successfully researching Chinese ancestors and others


The Group meets via Zoom on the third Sunday of odd months at 10 am to midday. Members of the Group are encouraged to bring examples of problems they are having in tracing various Chinese people, as well as examples of successes they have had with their research.

Contact the group coordinator at

* Non-GSQ members can attend two interest group meetings without being a GSQ member.

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