Resource Centre Facilities
General use of the Resource Centre

All financial members of GSQ are entitled to free use of the resource centre.  Associate members of GSQ Branches are not considered full members and do not have library rights. For the comfort and safety of all users of the resource centre, we ask that members and visitors observe a few simple rules:

  • Both members and visitors must sign in and out of the centre. Members will need to include their membership numbers.
  • Cases and bags must be left in the lockers provided.
  • Mobile telephones should be switched off or turned to mute within the centre.
  • No smoking is permitted within the building.
  • Food and drink must not be consumed within the library. Bottled water is permitted, however, but must be stored on the floor, and not consumed near any electrical equipment.
  • Kitchen facilities are available for the storage of food or drink brought to the centre, to be consumed on the day of the visit. Tea and coffee is available in the kitchen, for a small fee.
Conduct within the Resource Centre
  • Pens are not permitted. Pencils only are to be used and are available at the front desk.
  • No library items may be removed from the building and all items are to be handled with care.
  • Researchers are expected to behave in a manner which does not disturb others. Conversations should, where possible, be restricted to areas where research is not being carried out.
  • Children under 16 years of age are not permitted in the resource centre.
  • Microfiche markers are provided to mark the place of any microfiche removed from the microfiche cabinets. One microfiche at a time is to be removed.
  • For the benefit of other users, microfilms should be rewound to the beginning after use.
  • The library has shelf markers provided, which are to be used to mark the place of any books removed.
  • Researchers are encouraged to do their own research. Volunteers are on duty to help researchers use the collections, but should not be asked to perform research tasks which could be undertaken by individuals.
Non-member access to the GSQ Resource Centre
Visitors may use the library on payment of a day visit fee of $20.00. For those visitors who then choose to join us, this fee will be deducted from the subscription payment. Members of interstate family history societies, which have reciprocal rights, are entitled to full library use, on production of a valid membership card.
The GSQ Resource Centre has the following facilities:
  • Eighteen computers linked to a photocopier/printer. Each computer can be used to search the major family history subscriptions sites, for example, Find My Past and Ancestry as well as other relevant sites.
  • A microfilm/microfiche reader which is linked to the photocopier/printer.  Images may also be saved to a USB memory stick.
  • Microfiche readers
  • A comprehensive library which includes numerous books, journals and magazines, books, CDs and DVDs covering a range of interest areas.  These can be read/viewed on a computer and images can be printed and/or saved to USB memory stick.
  • The GSQ Resource Centre is also an LDS Affiliate which means that many online records are available through FamilySearch - records which may not be available through your access at home.
Use of Equipment
  • Photocopiers may be used by any library user, but fees for copies will be charged. Users are reminded that all copying is subject to copyright laws and must be for personal research purposes only.
  • Microfilm/fiche printers are available. Copies will be provided for a small fee.
  • Printouts may be made from computer-based resources.
  • Laptops may be used within the library. USB drives or other memory devices may be used to copy items from GSQ computers, but they must be free of viruses.
  • Users may use a digital camera or mobile phone to make copies, provided no flash is used. Users are reminded that copyright provisions apply.


Copying Charges

Black & White Copies

Photocopy A4 20 cents
Photocopy A3 40 cents
Computer printout 20 cents
Microfilm/fiche print 50 cents
Scans Free

Colour Copies

Photocopy A4 $1.00
Photocopy A3 $1.20